Psychological Disorder

Services Psychological Disorder
Psychological Disorder


Major Depressive Disorder (Depression):

What is Major Depressive Disorder or Depression?

Our day-to-day life is full of ups and downs. We all experience episodes of stress, unhappiness, sadness, or grief. Most of us are able to cope with these and other types of stressful events. Within some period of time, most of us are able to return to our normal activities. But when these feelings of sadness and other symptoms make hard for us to get through the day and when the symptoms last for more than a couple of weeks in a row, we may have what is called the Depression or Major Depressive Disorder.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder or Depression?

If someone has been having the following sign and symptoms (singly or in combination) most of the day, nearly every day for at least last 2 (two) weeks that person might be suffering from Depression or Major depressive Disorder.

– Feeling of worthlessness or helplessness.
– Loss of interests in hobbies or other activities.
– Persistent sad, anxious or emptiness in mood.
– Loss of energy and fatigue.
– Lack of concentration, self confidence and indecisiveness.
– Insomnia or lack of sleep, Hypersomnia or increased sleep.
– Loss or increased appetite and subsequently weight loss or weight gain.
– Somatization, ie- headache, pains, cramps and digestive problem without any clear pathology.

What are the causes or risk factors of depression or Major Depressive Disorder?

There is no specific cause behind Depression. Depression is a condition which affects the persons who are having some definite personality traits. Someone who is having family history of depression is having increased risk for the disease. Any sort of conflict, abuse of any kind, death of some near or dear ones, any major changes in life, or patients suffering from some prolonged illness may cause the initiation of depression or major depressive disorder.

Complications of Depression or Major Depressive Disorder:

The biggest barrier to fight against depression is recognition of the condition and seeking appropriate treatment. Most of the patients who are having depression do not wish to visit with the doctor and they do not consider themselves unhealthy. Or the problem depression may be manifested in a different manner, like some continuous ill-health without any perceptible pathology, multi-system pain or un-easiness etc. Secondly, till date our society is not fully educated about the mental diseases, thus the patients feel lonely, no-one understands their problem, society is not supporting them and most of the time these conditions remain unnoticed for long time. Ultimately, the condition might present with Psychotic, which is very difficult to cure.

Treatment of Depression or Major Depressive Disorder:

The treatment of Depression is a combination of psychotherapy, medication, changes in lifestyle and behavior, exercise and yoga, and dietary changes.

Homeopathic case history is a type of psychotherapy only, where the patient is detailing about his or her ailment. It is somewhat like talking therapy, which involves figuring out ways to solve problems and cope with depression. It can be a powerful intervention, even producing positive biochemical changes in the brain.

Homeopathic treatment for Depression or Major Depressive Disorder:


Diet in depression:

It has been seen that the patients who are suffering from Depression, have most of the time certain bizarre relationship with food. Few of them take excessive amount of foods, more than the requirement and putting on weight and some of them take less meal and ultimately leads to nutritional deficiency. Most of them suffer from constipation. Thus there should be a proper nutritious dietary guideline to be followed by the patients who are suffering from Depression.

Changes in life-style and behavior in Depression:

A. Try to identify and focus on activities that make you feel better.
B. It is important to do things for yourself.
C. Don’t isolate yourself.
D. Take part in activities even when you may not want to. Such activity may actually make you feel better.
E. Talk with your friends and family and consider joining a support group. Communicating and discussing your feelings is an integral part of your treatment and will help with your recovery.
F. Try to maintain a positive outlook. Having a good attitude can be beneficial.

Exercise and yoga guideline for the patients with Depression:

Regular exercises are essential to good health. Exercise has been found to increase the levels of the body’s own natural antidepressants called endorphins. Simple regular brisk walk is very helpful in Depression.
It has been accepted even by the modern science that regular exercise of few pranayams and yoga is helpful for improving the body’s own immunity and blood circulations to some particular very essential parts of the brain. It also helps in proper functioning of the neurotransmitter of the brain which in term help in curing the patients from Depression.

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Medicine for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is most common and chronic neuro-behavioral developmental disorder where a person has trouble paying attention and focusing on tasks, tends to act without thinking, and has trouble sitting still. It may begin in early childhood and can continue into adulthood. This can lead to difficulty in academic, emotional, and social functioning. ADHD is basically characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention. It usually begins in childhood and can continue through adolescent and adulthood. ADHD can make it hard for a child to do well in school or behave properly at home or in the community.

Types of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

1. Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder – Predominantly In-attentive type.
2. Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder – Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive type.
3. Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder – Predominantly Combined type.

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

1. Self-centered children: An ADHD child is basically a self-centered child. He is not able to recognize the need of other people’s need. They may not wait for their turn for classroom activities. The child would not like to share their things with other.
2. Emotional disturbance: Sometimes these kind of children have sudden outburst of emotions. They have temperament tantrums and behave abruptly in presence of the un-known persons.
3. Fidgety: ADHD children cannot sit in a particular position, suddenly they may try to get up and run around.
4. Un-finished home works: Most of the young children of ADHD may show interests to lot of different things but they have problem in finishing the works.
5. Lack of Concentration: Child with ADHD may have problem in paying attention to some work, even when being spoken to directly. Lack of concentration also seen while the child is speaking to someone or someone is speaking to him.
6. Careless mistakes: Most of the ADHD children parents complaint of doing careless mistakes in the sums. They are not lazy or less intelligent than the other children but they are not able to concentrate during the mathematics and other calculations. They might have difficulty in following instructions.
7. Day Dreaming: An ADHD child may goes into day dreaming very frequently. They most of the time stay in the realm of utopia. Due to that he mostly misses the most important job to be done at right time.

Cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

ADHD usually runs in families. In case the parents have ADHD, the child has more than 50% chance of having it. Children born with difficult pregnancies, usually have higher risk of having ADHD, compared to the children born normally. As the frontal lobe of the bone controls impulses and emotions, if somehow the child is having injury over there may develop ADHD. The pregnant mother who smokes and drinks alcohol is having higher chance to give birth of ADHD baby.

Complications of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Mostly in ADHD child begins with troubles in the classroom. The class teacher may complain that the child is not able to concentrate properly in studies or do the silly mistakes repeatedly or develop difficulty in learning or understanding the new sums. As these children grow older, they may become frustrate in performing the actions and may suffer from lack of confidence. This disease causes major problem to the personality and mental makeup of the children. In most of the patients this problem persists till the adulthood. This disorder leads to difficulty in academic, emotional, and social functioning of the children. This might turn a child into non-performer and ultimately child’s academic career can be severely affected with this disorder, but physically that particular child might not have any pathological signs or symptoms. ADHD may accompany with other disorders such as anxiety or depression. In the latest research and development it has been found that depression in ADHD appears to be increasingly prevalent in children as they get older.